Igniting the spark in each child!

Every day we listen in to our children, watch, share and then create - there is always something new, and our students guide our experiences.
Legends is Meaningful!
What does Judaism have to do with me, today?
Sound familiar?
It takes enormous effort, a lot of heart, dedication and devotion on the part of the Educator to reach each child.
At Lamdeni we take education seriously! There is love, care and thought, invested in all our creative experiences. Legends is child-centered and interest-based.
Legends is Real!
Seeing is believing, leaving not much that compares with experience. To live our tradition, to practice first-hand our rich and satisfying heritage, is an impressionable form of education.
We aim to imbue essential primary and necessary values in each child. We seek to foster self-confidence, a strong Jewish identity and a healthy self-value, and sense of purpose that will take each child into a successful and meaningful future.
Legends is a Joy!
Serving G-d with joy, and living each day and moment to your fullest, is a dream. To this dream, we take our children.
Each moment is a gift, and every experience of learning together is a moment of joy. At Legends, we value this gift and celebrate each precious lesson we experience.
We live with enthusiasm and positivity, every story, every chag, every mitzvah. With Legends, you feel the spirit and see the light in every child’s eyes.

Legends Jewish Heritage Course Overview
Legends Jewish Heritage curriculum combines 6 carefully chosen and designed learning programs that provide essential knowledge, skills, and values that enrich and enhance the lives of our children. The 6 Courses encompass the full spectrum of Jewish life from past to present, inspiring and fostering awareness, confidence, and a positive, proud Jewish identity.
Level 1
Magical Mitzvot and Middot
Morals, Values, and Virtues
Level 2
Brilliant Beginnings
The legacy we own -stories of Berieshit
Level 3
Torah Travels
Journey From Slavery to the Holy Land, Shemot- Davarim
Level 4
Wikitorahs 5 J’s of Judaism
Jewish Life and Customs
Level 5
On Their Shoulders
History, Heroes and Being the Best Me
Level 6
Life the Jewish Way
From Ordinary to Extraordinary
We bring Judaism to life!

Legends Makes it Real

“After this is over we still want the online sessions!”
— Stacey | Parent