We are the keepers of the Holy Hebrew Language
Igniting the spark and nurturing the soul of each child!

“As the children read clearly, an angel is created from each and every word, and these angels protect the children as well as the parents”
- Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi

The Legends Philosophy
A Solution for Effective Hebrew Language Acquisition
Are you searching for an effective Hebrew reading and language program?
Have previous attempts fallen short with inconsistent teaching methods?
Do you believe your current approach lacks the essence of the sacred Hebrew language?
Are your students only able to read random words without understanding their meaning?
Look no further, Legends offers a comprehensive solution for reading, understanding, and acquiring meaningful language skills all in one.
The Birth of Legends:
Necessity as the Mother of Invention
Over 20 years ago, a group of Australian educators led by Shlucha and Principal Rebbetzin Dina Liberow set out to find a high-quality Hebrew language program.
What began as a simple search turned into a frustrating and fruitless global quest. Determined to succeed, the team poured their hearts into creating a comprehensive language program, specifically designed to educate every Jewish child.
Legends has been tested and proven successful with thousands of Australian children.
The Ultimate Hebrew Language Program:
After researching the Mesorah, Chassidic philosophy, and accredited language pedagogy, we collaborated with parents and educators, closely observing each child's learning style. We then developed new systems, incorporating the Mesorah, innovation, and high standards.
With the help of G-d, Legends has been proven successful, and our students are enjoying the learning experience.
The Legends team has dedicated over 20 years to bring this program to fruition.
The Innovative Approach of Legends:
Reading with Meaning
Say goodbye to pointless and meaningless lessons like "Aleph is for apple" or "Sally sat on a swing". With Legends, children read with understanding and relevance.
Our revolutionary teaching system seamlessly incorporates the essence, significance, and passion for the holy Hebrew language into every session. Legends not only educates the mind but also nurtures the soul.
Experience it for yourself and see the difference.

We believe…
Hebrew is the most ancient language in the world and described in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) as the vessels for all of creation.
Hebrew , referred to as Lashon Hakodesh - the holy language, is the language of the Torah and biblical texts.
Hebrew is the language of the Jewish people, which distinguishes and identifies Jews from around the world throughout the ages. In the merit of preserving the Hebrew language, we were redeemed from Egypt.
Hebrew is an intrinsic part of the Jewish tradition, it’s heritage and practice. It encompasses all aspects of our everyday life and Jewish observance.
The Aleph Bet letters are holy. With 10 utterances of speech, G-d created the world. These letters continue to stand in heaven, forming the vessel for all creation. The Aleph Bet letters are the body, the Nekudot are the soul and together, they come alive.
The kabbalah teaches that the Nekudot, vowels are acronyms of angels. Each holds enormous power which together with the letters form sounds, words, and all of creation.
The Hebrew Aleph-Bet and Nekudot do not make any sounds on their own. They only begin to create sounds when they are combined in the Mesorah method of reading, i.e. Kamatz + Aleph = Ah.
Hebrew is the language of our brothers and sisters in the land of Israel. It is a common language that unites us as a people, Am Yisrael.

We are Accredited
Only the Highest Standards
The Legends Hebrew Language Curriculum was developed based on:
The current Victorian Curriculum Foundation-5
Traditional and Kabbalistic principles, specific to Hebrew
Over twenty years of piloting successful Hebrew language learning
Want to know why our curriculum is truly incredible?

“Lamdeni is the best after school Hebrew school that I have come across, they are warm & caring. Our son has been going there for 5 years & he loves it, he feels special there, he learns so much & he never wants to miss it. The knowledge that he has gained from them is priceless & he makes us so proud as Jewish parents. Thank you so much Lamdeni.”
— Annette | Parent