Hebrew Language Curriculum Overview
תוכנית לימודים לשפה העברית
Legends is structured into 7 distinct levels, each represented by a different color, serving as the foundation for language acquisition.
Progressing through the levels, students will improve their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a spiral of increasing complexity.

Which level of Legends is right for me?
Reading Hebrew for Life
The primary focus of Legends 1, 2, and 3 (Pink, Peach, and Lime) is to establish strong foundations for lifelong Hebrew reading skills.
Legends brings the soul of each child alive as we watch them light up and develop into happy, proud Jewish kids who love their holy Hebrew language!
Legend 1 - Pink
My Magical Aleph-Bet | אותיות הקסם
Pink focuses on the Hebrew Aleph Bet and pre-reading skills, in addition to providing the building blocks for language and morphology.
Legend 2 - Peach
My Wondrous World of Hebrew Reading | נקודות נפלאות
Peach focuses on the acquisition of reading skills and the use of Nekudot (vowels). Through our unique and innovative techniques, children learn to read with understanding and accuracy in the context of their home and Shabbat.
Legend 3 - Lime
Prayers of the Heart | תפילות שבלב
Lime consolidates the reading journey, through a prayer comprehension program, the first of its kind. Students are exposed to traditional songs, blessings, and meaningful Jewish ideology for everyday life in the diaspora.

4 -7
Hebrew Language with Relevance
The primary focus of Legends 4, 5, 6, and 7 (Violet, Turquoise, Silver and Gold) is to develop formal whole Language skills whilst engaging in invaluable Jewish traditions via the holy Hebrew language.
Kids connect as we watch them evolve into confident and joyous Jewish children!
Legends is a winner!
Legend 4 - Violet
A Party of Words and Mitzvot | מסיבת מילים ומצות
In Violet, students refine their language skills through instruction in vocabulary and syntax. The context is relevant, with content infused with Torah values, mitzvot, and lessons on fine character development.
Releasing soon:
Legend 5 - Turquoise
Holidays with Friends | חגים עם חברים
Turquoise focuses on Hebrew language semantics.
Children will experience the Holidays through the sacred Hebrew language, ensuring their Hebrew lessons are practical and imbued with timely festival practices, traditions and key language.
Releasing soon:
Legend 6 - Silver
Acts of Kindness | מעשים טובים
Silver concludes the study of Hebrew syntax and semantics. It ensures proficient reading skills, empowering every child to embark on Jewish living equipped to engage in Prayer, Torah reading and Customs.
Releasing soon:
Legend 7 - Gold
Stories for Life | סיפורים לחיים
Gold is designed for students learning Hebrew as a second language.

“My daughter is fully engaged on Zoom, she can’t wait for the next session.”
— Galina | Parent