Reading and language in one !

The quest to find the ideal Hebrew language program is finally at an end!
Have you searched the world for the perfect Hebrew reading and language curriculum? Have you tried every program, only to discover an incongruous philosophy, missing relevance, a lack of resources, or it was too broad and ust not right?
Legends has worked tirelessly to find a solution!
We researched the Mesorah and Chassidic Philosophy on Hebrew, listened attentively to parents and educators, closely observed children’s success, and how they each love to learn.
We then combined innovative ideas and quality standards, and with G-d’s help the results were in -Legends was created!
So why the need for a better learning system?
Because ‘Aleph’ isn’t for apple and frankly, who cares if Sally sat on a swing? Those pointless, meaningless lessons are now a thing of the past, thanks to ’Lamdeni Legends’.
Legends children can learn to read with meaning and it finally all makes sense.
The revolutionary teaching system weaves soul, relevance, and a genuine joy of learning into every Hebrew session.
‘Lamdeni Legends’ provides a reading-language program that nurtures the soul of the child, alongside his mind.
Necessity, the Mother of Invention…
It all began 20 years ago, when a team of Australian educators, led by Educational Coordinator & Principal, Dina Liberow, attempted to find a quality, part-time Hebrew language program. What started as a simple search quickly became a frustrating, fruitless, worldwide quest.
Undeterred, her team embarked on a 20-year labor of love, creating a complete language program of their own, tailor-made to educate every Jewish child.
Lamdeni Legends has been tried & tested, with the help of 1000s of Aussie kids, who today, can read, write & understand Hebrew with confidence!

It’s now time to share ‘Lamdeni Legends with the world!
To learn more about game-changing ways Lamdeni Legends revolutionizes the way you teach Hebrew…